Press Releases

Empros phase 2b obesity trial enrollment complete in only one month..

Empros pharma doses first patients in large scale clinical study of anti-obesity drug EMP-16

Empros secures 80 msek funding to support development of obesity treatment candidate – EMP 16

Empros enters late stage clinical development of obesity treatment EMP16 

Empros and Megapharm announce letter of intent

Securing 40 msek investment

Results from phase IIA trial published in major scientific journal

Annual general meeting

Pharmacokinetics publication

Recruitment complete; Empros second clinical trial

Empros first clinical trial published

Empros Pharma strengthen the board of directors

Empros Pharma raises sek 40M to fully finance the upcoming proof-of-concept trial for its primary drug candidate EMP16

Empros pharma tar in 40 msek och säkrar finansieringen av proof-of-concept-studie för EMP16

Empros Pharma participates in Bio-Korea

Empros CEO Arvid Söderhäll interviewed

Pressrelease phase 2A trial

Meet Empros in New York

Meet Empros at Bio Europe

Meet Empros Pharma at NLS Days

Phase 2A trial concluded